Evaluation of low frequency polarization models using well characterized sintered porous glass samples

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Title:Main Title: Evaluation of low frequency polarization models using well characterized sintered porous glass samples
Description:Abstract: Recently, significant progress has been made in understanding low frequency complex conductivity measurements of rocks. The relevant publications study these methods in two different ways: On the one hand, petrophysical interpretation has been improved in terms of theoretical approaches. These approaches are either modifications of pore size related membrane polarization concepts or rely on grain size related polarization models in combination with semi-empirical model function parameterizations. On the other hand, extensive petrophysical studies provide insight in dependencies of IS parameters on structural and electrochemical rock properties. We aim at assessing the results of published theoretical and experimental findings for a reference system, consisting of sintered porous glass samples. Thereby, we benefit from well characterized samples, which allow for direct tests of theoretical predictions and empirical relations. We find that: (1) The correlation σ″ ~Sm is stronger than σ″ ~Spor for a wide range of fluid conductivities and frequencies above 1 Hz. (2) Correlation coefficients for the imaginary conductivity to inner surface area relations are strongly frequency dependent. (3) Normalized chargeability, obtained by fitting a Cole–Cole model to the spectral data, provides a fair alternative to single frequency information. (4) Correlation breaks down for disturbed fluid–surface interaction by wettability manipulation. (5) Salinity dependence of proportionality factors a1=Sm/σ″ and a2= Spor/σ″ due to a salinity dependent partition coefficient is confirmed qualitatively. Quantitative theoretic predictions of a1 or a2 fail due to the assumption of non-reduced Stern layer mobility for clay free silica. (6) Earliest grain size related models provide the best quantitative estimate of relaxation time. (7) Results agree well with published data for sands and sandstones with respect to (i) quantitative estimates of a1 or a2 and (ii) influences of rock structural parameters on relaxation time.
Identifier:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.11.011 (DOI)
Responsible Party
Creators:Jan Volkmann (Author), Norbert Klitzsch (Author)
Publication Year:2019
TR32 Topic:Other
Related Subproject:B8
Subjects:Keywords: Geophysics, Rock Physics
File Details
Data Type:Text - Article
File Size:1.6 MB
Dates:Submitted: 30.07.2015
Accepted: 11.11.2015
Available: 14.11.2015
Mime Type:application/pdf
Data Format:PDF
Download Permission:Only Project Members
General Access and Use Conditions:According to the TR32DB data policy agreement.
Access Limitations:According to the TR32DB data policy agreement.
Licence:[TR32DB] Data policy agreement
Specific Information - Publication
Publication Status:Published
Review Status:Peer reviewed
Publication Type:Article
Article Type:Journal
Source:Journal of Applied Geophysics
Number of Pages:15 (39 - 53)
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Tanja Kramm
Metadata Created:31.01.2019
Metadata Last Updated:31.01.2019
Funding Phase:3
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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