Water cycle processes and land-atmosphere interactions in multi-scale regional climate change simulations with the WRF atmospheric model over Europe in the context of the WCRP Euro-CORDEX initiative, Report 4

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Titles:Main Title: Water cycle processes and land-atmosphere interactions in multi-scale regional climate change simulations with the WRF atmospheric model over Europe in the context of the WCRP Euro-CORDEX initiative, Report 4
Subtitle: 1 Analysis on the influence of individual land surface properties resolution
Description:Abstract: The comparison of the WRF evaluation simulations for Middle Europe with 12 km and 3 km grid size showed differences in several variables. Added value of the higher resolution was found especially for precipitation. In the convection permitting 3 km resolution the positive mean precipitation bias is reduced, and the observed intensity distribution is simulated much better. The positive precipitation bias results from too much light precipitation in the 12 km simulation while the extreme events are underrepresented. The differences between both runs most likely result from better resolving of atmospheric processes in the 3 km simulation, especially the explicit simulation of the deep convection that is parametrized in the coarse 12 km simulation. Also the higher resolution on the land surface (soil type, vegetation type and orography) affect the results by better representation of the real heterogeneous land surface and thereby flux partitioning of latent and sensible heat fluxes, local wind systems, runoff, soil water storage, surface and soil temperature. The following sensitivity study investigates the resolution effect of the individual land surface properties. Five simulations have been run each with the same setup of the atmosphere in 3km resolution but with different combinations of land surface properties in coarse 12km resolution.
Citation Advice:Knist, S., 2016.Water cycle processes and land-atmosphere interactions in multi-scale regional climate change simulations with the WRF atmospheric model over Europe in the context of the WCRP Euro-CORDEX initiative. 5th PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Germany, Bonn, Germany.
Responsible Party
Creator:Sebastian Knist (Author)
Publisher:CRC/TR32 Database (TR32DB)
Publication Year:2018
TR32 Topic:Atmosphere
Related Subproject:C4
Subject:Keyword: PhD Report
File Details
Data Type:Text - Text
File Size:2.1 MB
Date:Available: 30.10.2016
Mime Type:application/pdf
Data Format:PDF
Download Permission:Only Project Members
General Access and Use Conditions:For internal use only.
Access Limitations:For internal use only.
Licence:[TR32DB] Data policy agreement
Specific Information - Report
Report Date:30th of October, 2016
Report Type:PhD Report
Report City:Bonn, Germany
Report Institution:Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Germany
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Sebastian Knist
Metadata Created:08.03.2018
Metadata Last Updated:08.03.2018
Funding Phase:3
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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