Rock fragments control organic carbon pool sizes in agricultural topsoil

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Title:Main Title: Rock fragments control organic carbon pool sizes in agricultural topsoil
Description:Abstract: Rock fragments (RF) are basic constituents of the pedosphere and may severely reduce the amount of fine earth (FE) per soil volume. However, little attention has been paid to the role of reduced solum on soil C dynamics. This study was designed to quantify the effect of variable RF on spatial patterns of bulk soil organic carbon (SOC), particulate organic matter (POM) of three size classes, non-particulate organic matter (nonPOM), and black carbon (BC). One-hundred and twenty-nine soil samples (0–30 cm) were taken in a regular grid on an arable field (1.3 ha) nearby Selhausen (Germany). The weakly inclined site featured a strong gradient in RF, soil types covered Alfic Eutrochepts, as well as Typic and Albaquic Hapludalfs. In addition to C-pools patterns and RF, we determined texture, Fe oxides, soil moisture, as well as hillslope and elevation above sea level. Additionally, 137Cs measurements were conducted to indicate soil erosion. Multiple regression analysis indicated BETA values of 0.65–0.73 between RF and BC, nonPOM, and the finest POM. Also C contents of the coarse POM fractions were positively correlated with the amount of RF (R² = 0.72–0.78) and their spatial patterns were assumed to be caused by disproportionate input of plant litter to a reduced solum. Statistical structure analysis and variography pointed to hierarchical C saturation of nonPOM and POM3, which was additionally regulated by Fe-oxide contents. Erosive translocation affected only the spatial distribution of BC (BETA= –0.15). Varying amounts of RF thus crucially affected all investigated SOC pools.
Identifier:10.2136/sssaj2010.0454 (DOI)
Citation Advice:L. Bornemann, M. Herbst, G. Welp, H. Vereecken, W. Amelung (2011) Rock fragments control organic carbon pool sizes in agricultural topsoil. Soil Science Society of America Journal, (75) 1898-1907. doi:10.2136/sssaj2010.0454
Responsible Party
Creators:Ludger Bornemann (Author), Michael Herbst (Author), Gerd Welp (Author), Harry Vereecken (Author), Wulf Amelung (Author)
Publisher:Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Publication Year:2012
TR32 Topic:Soil
Related Subproject:B3
Subjects:Keywords: BC, FTIR, MIR Spectroscopy, SOC, Soil, Geostatistics
File Details
Data Type:Text - Article
File Size:1.3 MB
Dates:Created: 16.12.2010
Issued: 18.07.2011
Mime Type:application/pdf
Data Format:PDF
Download Permission:Only Project Members
Licence:[TR32DB] Data policy agreement
Specific Information - Publication
Publication Status:Published
Review Status:Peer reviewed
Publication Type:Article
Article Type:Journal
Source:Soil Science Society of America Journal
Source Website:
Number of Pages:10 (1898 - 1907)
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Ludger Bornemann
Metadata Created:21.06.2012
Metadata Last Updated:21.06.2012
Funding Phase:1
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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