The impact of soil water distribution on root growth and root water uptake
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Title: | Main Title: The impact of soil water distribution on root growth and root water uptake |
Description: | Abstract: Root systems are crucial components in botany that link soil and atmosphere, support the aboveground portion of a plant and supply water and nutrients by exploring large soil volumes. However, the relations between vertical distributions of water, roots, and canopy status are not well known. In the present study, non-destructive methods, namely minirhizotrons, are used to investigate the effect of soil moisture on root development and the relation between root growth and root water uptake (RWU), as well as the relation between soil moisture and canopy status. Our study site, located in Selhausen (Mid-West Germany), is composed of two independent cropped soil blocks that are characterized by a strong gradient in soil texture. A transect along each block is equipped with soil moisture sensors, tensiometers/MPS-2 and minirhizotrons at six different depths. In this report, the setup of the facility and the methods used in the field were described, and some preliminary results were also presented. For the next growing season, each of the blocks in the field will be divided into three plots (One plot will be sheltered from rain as dry condition, one plot will be irrigated, and one plot will experience normal weather conditions.) to examine the influence of different weather conditions on root growth and root water uptake, in which data will be collected from winter wheat, barley and maize. The obtained experimental data will be also parameterized by a root growth model and root water uptake model. |
Responsible Party
Creator: | Gaochao Cai (Author) |
Publisher: | CRC/TR32 Database (TR32DB) |
Publication Year: | 2013 |
TR32 Topic: | Vegetation |
Related Subproject: | B4 |
Subject: | Keyword: PhD Report |
File Details
Filename: | Report1_Cai_2013.pdf |
Data Type: | Text - Text |
File Size: | 569 KB |
Date: | Available: 31.03.2013 |
Mime Type: | application/pdf |
Data Format: | |
Language: | English |
Status: | Completed |
Download Permission: | Only Project Members |
General Access and Use Conditions: | According to the TR32DB data policy agreement. |
Access Limitations: | According to the TR32DB data policy agreement. |
Licence: | [TR32DB] Data policy agreement |
Specific Information - Report
Report Date: | 31st of March, 2013 |
Report Type: | PhD Report |
Report City: | Jülich, Germany |
Report Institution: | Institute of Bio and Geosciences Agrosphere (IBG-3), Research Center Jülich |
Number of Pages: | 15 (1 - 15) |
Further Information: | TR32 Student Report Phase II |
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator: | Gaochao Cai |
Metadata Created: | 28.11.2013 |
Metadata Last Updated: | 28.11.2013 |
Subproject: | B4 |
Funding Phase: | 2 |
Metadata Language: | English |
Metadata Version: | V50 |
Metadata Export
Metadata Schema: |
Dataset Statistics
Page Visits: | 774 |
Metadata Downloads: | 0 |
Dataset Downloads: | 4 |
Dataset Activity

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