The subsurface-land surface-Atmospheric feedback under a range of land cover conditions
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Title: | Main Title: The subsurface-land surface-Atmospheric feedback under a range of land cover conditions |
Description: | Abstract: The hydrology and energy balances are important to understand the movement of water and energy fluxes in the terrestrial system. Vegetation at the land surface complicates these interactions as the canopy directly affects many of the processes involved such as reflected and absorbed radiation, water interception, and infiltration. Subsurface water storage can also be affected by vegetation through processes of root uptake and transpiration into the atmosphere (Pitman, 2003) . Due to the importance of these interactions, land surface models (LSM) were developed to represent these processes (Sellers et al., 1997) and provide a lower boundary to General Circulation Models (GCMs) (MANABE et al., 1970; Dickinson and Henderson-Sellers, 1988; Betts et al., 1996; Sellers et al., 1996; Koster and Suarez, 2001; Koster et al., 2004). Moreover, integrated groundwater-surface water models were developed to see the feedback from land surface (Maxwell and Miller, 2005; Kollet and Maxwell, 2008) . The wide usage of LSMs provides a view into the interconnection between energy fluxes and between atmosphere and subsurface. Previous studies looked into the effect of different land cover conditions and their connection to hydrology and energy fluxes. Numerical simulations of the Little Washita watershed in Oklahoma show the effects of vegetation cover on the coupling of energy fluxes and water table depth which exists within transition zones between moisture limited and non-moisture limited areas (Kollet and Maxwell, 2008) . Field studies also show different land cover effects on energy fluxes (Denmead, 1969; LeMone et al., 2000). (Garratt, 1993) , in his review of LSMs, indicates roughness length, albedo, and soil-moisture availability are important factors to be included in canopy schemes of GCMs. Evaporation depends on the amount of absorbed radiation and available moisture, within the soil or on vegetation surface. Transpiration is the process of plants producing water and absorbing carbon dioxide by photosynthesis. Evaporation and transpiration are the processes which connect the energy and hydrology cycles. Studies show evaporation and transpiration are related to Leaf Area Index (LAI) before harvest by observation (Al-Kaisi et al., 1989; Choudhury et al., 1994; Steduto and Hsiao, 1998; Li et al., 2005) . Then applying to the numerical experience of ideal case, scientific studies show the evaporation and transpiration are sensitive to the change of LAI (Schwinger et al., 2010) . Canopy shading also affects the microclimate of the plant by decreasing the vapor pressure deficit between saturation and measurement (Barradas and Fanjul, 1986) . The interception of radiation also causes a decrease of crop coefficient (evpotranspiration over reference evapotranspiration) (Williams and Ayars, 2005) . The above studies illustrate the importance of canopy structure, which is related to LAI, when studying the effect of vegetation on energy fluxes. Another important effect of vegetation is the canopy resistance which is related to the environmental conditions affecting evapotranspiration. Since Monteith (1965) announced the broadly used Penman-Montieth equation for calculating evapotranspiration (Allen et al., 1998) , there have been an increasing number of studies focusing on canopy resistance and showing how it can have an effect on the evapotranspiration model. Sensitivity analysis of the Penman-Monteith model have indicated its sensitivity to canopy resistance (Beven, 1979; Kelliher et al., 1993) . By calibrating the canopy resistance, the performance of the Penman-Monteith model can be improved for different sites (Rana et al., 1997a, b) . These studies show the importance of canopy resistance, and its effects on latent heat flux. This project focuses on investigating the effects of vegetation on the connection between water table and atmospheric boundary layer dynamics through land surface energy fluxes for a real watershed. The use of coupled modeling systems as well as the increasing complexity of LSMs, which now include more realistic ecological processes, enables us to investigate the role of vegetation on the water and energy balance. |
Responsible Party
Creator: | Yen-Sen Lu (Author) |
Publisher: | CRC/TR32 Database (TR32DB) |
Publication Year: | 2013 |
TR32 Topic: | Atmosphere |
Related Subproject: | C4 |
Subject: | Keyword: PhD Report |
File Details
Filename: | Report2_Lu_2012.pdf |
Data Type: | Text - Text |
File Size: | 1.3 MB |
Date: | Available: 20.10.2012 |
Mime Type: | application/pdf |
Data Format: | |
Language: | English |
Status: | Completed |
Download Permission: | Only Project Members |
General Access and Use Conditions: | For internal use only. |
Access Limitations: | For internal use only. |
Licence: | [TR32DB] Data policy agreement |
Specific Information - Report
Report Date: | 25th of February, 2013 |
Report Type: | PhD Report |
Report City: | Bonn, Germany |
Report Institution: | Meteorological Institute, University Bonn |
Number of Pages: | 12 (1 - 12) |
Further Information: | TR32 Student Report Phase II |
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator: | Yen-Sen Lu |
Metadata Created: | 06.12.2013 |
Metadata Last Updated: | 06.12.2013 |
Subproject: | C4 |
Funding Phase: | 2 |
Metadata Language: | English |
Metadata Version: | V50 |
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Dataset Statistics
Page Visits: | 727 |
Metadata Downloads: | 0 |
Dataset Downloads: | 5 |
Dataset Activity

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