Large-Eddy Atmosphere - Land Surface Modeling over Heterogeneous Surfaces: Model Development and Comparison with Measurements

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Title:Main Title: Large-Eddy Atmosphere - Land Surface Modeling over Heterogeneous Surfaces: Model Development and Comparison with Measurements
Description:Abstract: A model is developed for the large-eddy simulation (LES) of heterogeneous atmosphere and land-surface processes. This couples a LES model with a land-surface scheme. New developments are made to the land-surface scheme to ensure the adequate representation of atmosphere–land-surface transfers on the large-eddy scale. These include, (1) a multi-layer canopy scheme; (2) a method for flux estimates consistent with the large-eddy subgrid closure; and (3) an appropriate soil-layer configuration. The model is then applied to a heterogeneous region with 60-m horizontal resolution and the results are compared with ground-based and airborne measurements. The simulated sensible and latent heat fluxes are found to agree well with the eddy-correlation measurements. Good agreement is also found in the modelled and observed net radiation, ground heat flux, soil temperature and moisture. Based on the model results, we study the patterns of the sensible and latent heat fluxes, how such patterns come into existence, and how large eddies propagate and destroy land-surface signals in the atmosphere. Near the surface, the flux and land-use patterns are found to be closely correlated. In the lower boundary layer, small eddies bearing land-surface signals organize and develop into larger eddies, which carry the signals to considerably higher levels. As a result, the instantaneous flux patterns appear to be unrelated to the land-use patterns, but on average, the correlation between them is significant and persistent up to about 650 m. For a given land-surface type, the scatter of the fluxes amounts to several hundred W m−2, due to (1) large-eddy randomness; (2) rapid large-eddy and surface feedback; and (3) local advection related to surface heterogeneity.
Identifier:10.1007/s10546-013-9823-0 (DOI)
Responsible Party
Creators:Yaping Shao (Author), Shaofeng Liu (Author), Jan Schween (Author), Susanne Crewell (Author)
Publication Year:2013
TR32 Topic:Atmosphere
Related Subproject:D6
Subjects:Keywords: Atmosphere–Land Interaction, LES, Heterogeneous Surface
File Details
Data Type:Text - Article
Size:24 Pages
File Size:1.3 MB
Dates:Accepted: 26.03.2013
Available: 17.04.2013
Mime Type:application/pdf
Data Format:PDF
Download Permission:Only Project Members
General Access and Use Conditions:For internal use only
Access Limitations:For internal use only
Licence:[TR32DB] Data policy agreement
Specific Information - Publication
Publication Status:Published
Review Status:Peer reviewed
Publication Type:Article
Article Type:Journal
Source:Boundary-Layer Meteorology
Number of Pages:24 (333 - 356)
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Yaping Shao
Metadata Created:03.12.2013
Metadata Last Updated:03.12.2013
Funding Phase:2
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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