All TR32DB institutions
- (P&M Technologies)Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Medical Informatics)
Aalto University (Department of Radio Science and Engineering)
Aalto University School of Science (Department of Computer Science)
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Global Change Research Centre)
Adelaide Laboratory (CSIRO Land and Water)
AGRHYMET Regional Center
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki (Department of Library Science and Information Systems)
Alterra Wageningen UR
Applied Materials Inc
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (School of Geology)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics)
Baker Hughes INTEQ GmbH (Celle Technology Center)
BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
BAUER Maschinen GmbH
Bauhaus-University of Weimar (Faculty of Civil Engineering)
Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
Bezirksregierung Köln (
Bjerknes Center for Climate Research
Boise State University (Department of Geosciences)
Boise State University (Department of Mathematics)
British Atmospheric Data Centre (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
British Geological Survey (Environmental Science Centre)
Bruker BioSpin GmbH (Dept. of Microimaging)
BTU Cottbus (EuroAquae - Hydroinformatics and Water Management)
BTU Cottbus (Chair of Environmental Meteorology)
Bundesamt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (Geozentrum Hannover)
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (mit GeoDatenZentrum)
Bundeswehr University Munich (Institute of Applied Computer Science)
CaliforniaTechnology (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) (Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR))
Centre de Recherche Public – Gabriel Lippmann (Department Environment and Agro-Biotechnologies)
Centre of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance
CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information (International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT))
China Agricultural University (College of Resources and Environmental Sciences)
Chinese Academy of Sciences (Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute)
Chinese Academy of Sciences (Institute of Atmospheric Physics)
Climate Analysis (Meteoswiss, Climate Service)
CNR (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate)
CNR-IMAA (Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis)
Colorado School of Mines (Department of Geology and Geological Engineering and International Groundwater Modeling Center)
Colorado School of Mines (Deptartment of Geophysics)
Consiglia Nazionale delle Ricerche (Instituto di Biometeorologia)
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Istituto di Fisica Applicata “Nello Carrara”)
Copernicus (Sentinel)
Cubert GmbH
Czech Technical University in Prague (Faculty of Civil Engineering)
Danish Meteorological Institute
Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Deggendorf Institute of Technology (Technologie Campus Freyung)
Department of Global Ecology (Carnegie Institution of Washington)
Department of Ocean Sciences
Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)
Drexel University (The College of Computing & Informatics)
Duke University (Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences)
Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERDSAC)
East China Normal University
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen (Institute of Geography)
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald (Historical Institute)
ESPCI ParisTech (Science et Ingenierie de la Matiere Molle)
ETH Zürich (Institute of Geophysics)
ETH Zurich (Institute of Atmospheric and Climatic Sciences)
ETH Zurich (Institute of Environmental Engineering)
European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasting
European Commission DG Joint Research Centre (Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Monitoring Agricultural Resources Unit)
European Environment Agency
European Space Agency (ESA-ESTEC)
FIZ Karlsruhe (Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Forschungszentrum Jülich ( Zentralinstitut für Engineering, Elektronik und Analytik - Engineering und Technologie (ZEA-1))
Forschungszentrum Jülich (Plant Science IBG-2)
Forschungszentrum Jülich (IEK-8: Strahlung und Photolyse)
Forschungszentrum Jülich (IBG-3: Agrosphäre)
Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR
Freie Universität Berlin (Department of Earth Sciences Physical Geography)
Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nuernberg (North Bavarian Center of Earth Sciences)
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair of Practical Computer Science)
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Department of Geography)
Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena (Department of Geoinformatics, Hydrology and Modelling, School of Chemical and Earth Sciences)
GAME, URA CNRS / Météo-France (OMP Data Centre, CNRS)
GDI-Service Rostock
Geologischer Dienst Nordrhein-Westfalen
Geotomographie GmbH
German Aerospace Center (DLR) (German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD))
German Aerospace Center (DLR) (Earth Observation Center)
German Aerospace Center (DLR) (Intitute of Optical Sensor Systems)
German Elektron Synchrotron (DESY-IT)
German National Library of Science and Technology
German Research Foundation
Gesellschaft für Umweltplanung Bonn (Gesellschaft für Umweltplanung und wissenschaftliche Beratung)
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (Data Archive for the Social Sciences)
GKSS Research Centre (Institute for Coastal Research)
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences)
Guangdong Academy of Sciences (Guangzhou Institute of Geography)
HafenCity University of Hamburg (Photogrammetry & Laser Scanning Lab)
Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Research Institute Senckenberg)
Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Institute of Geography, University of Tuebingen)
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (Geodesy and Remote Sensing)
Helmholtz Zentrum München (Institute of Soil Ecology)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS))
Hitotsubashi University (Department of Business Management & Marketing)
Hohai University (State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering)
Humboldt-University of Berlin (Geomatics Lab)
Hungarian Meteorological Service
HYDRON - Ingenieurgesellschaft für Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft mbH
In-Vision Digital Imaging Optics GmbH
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (NMR Research Centre)
Indian Institute of Technology
Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (College of Ecology & Environmental Science)
INRA-Nancy (Biogéochimie des Ecosystčmes Forestiers)
Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE))
Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (Remote Sensing Laboratory)
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT)
IPSL Data Centre (Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique)
IPSL Data Centre, CNRS
Irstea-UMR TETIS (Maison de la Télédétection)
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
James Cook University (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences )
Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
Jawaharlal Nehru University (School of Environmental Sciences)
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (Institute of Regional Sciences)
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC))
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Institute for Meteorology and Climatology)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Troposphere Research )
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences)
KfW Development Bank
Kiel University (Institute of Crop Science and Plant Breeding)
Kochi University of Technology (School of Systems Engineering)
KU Leuven (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences - Soil and Watermanagement)
Kyushu University (Institute of Mathematics for Industry)
Laboratory of Plants Ecological Physiology (Institute of Systems Biology and Ecology)
Lancaster University (Faculty of Science and Technology)
Lancaster University (Lancaster Environment Centre)
Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau Rheinland Pfalz
Landesumweltamt Nordrhein-Westfalen
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Earth Sciences Division)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Center for Applied Scientific Computing)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Computing Applications and Research Department)
Leibnitz Gesellschaft e.V. (Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e.V.)
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering
Leibniz Institute of Applied Geosciences
Lund University (Department of Geotechnology)
Lund University (Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science)
Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg (Institute of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences)
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena
Maynooth University (Department of Geography)
Medical University of Graz (Stem Cell Research Unit, Dept. of Hematology)
Memorial University (Boreal Ecosystem Research Initiative)
Met Office Hadley Centre
Metair AG
Meteo-France (National Centre for Meteorological Research)
Minnesota State University (Department of Geography)
Monash University (Department of Civil Engineering)
Montana State University (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
MTA Centre for Ecological Research (Institute of Ecology and Botany)
MTA Centre for Ecological Research (Institute of Ecology and Botany)
NASA / USGS (Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC))
National Center for Atmospheric Research (Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences)
National Institute of Immunology
National Land Survey of Finland (Department of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry)
National Observatory of Athens (Institute for Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing)
National Research Council of Italy (Institute of Archaeological and Architectural Heritage)
National Technical University of Athens (Remote Sensing Laboratory)
Naval Postgraduate School (Department of Applied Mathematics)
Neanderthal Museum
Neanderthal Museum
Newark College of Arts and Sciences (Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences)
NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory
None (Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology)
North Wyke Research (Soils and Water Team)
Pacific Northwest National Laboaratory (Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change)
Paris-Sorbonne University (LOCEAN, CNRS)
Peking University (College of Engineering)
Peking University (College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering)
Pennsylvania State University (Department of Ecosystem Science and Management)
Philipps- University of Marburg (Department of Geography)
Philipps-Universität Marburg (Geographie-Umweltinformatik)
Philips Research
Portland State University (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Princeton University (Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab)
Research Center Jülich (Institute of Bio- and Geosciences: Agrosphere (IBG-3))
Research Center Jülich (Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK-8))
Research Center Jülich (Institute of Bio- and Geosciences: Plant Sciences (IBG-2) )
Research Center Jülich (Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS))
Research Center Jülich (Central Institute for Engineering, Electronics and Analytics: Electronic Systems (ZEA-2))
Research Center Jülich (Security and radioprotection (S-UE))
Researchcenter Juelich (Institute of Neuroscience and Biophysics INM-4)
Rhineland Regional Council (LVR) ( Office for historic preservation of the Rhineland (ADR))
Rikola LTD
RMIT University (Geospatial Science)
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
Ruhr-University of Bochum (Department of Thermodynamics)
RWTH Aachen (Institute for Applied Geophysics and Geothermal Energy, E.ON Energy Research Center)
RWTH Aachen (Department of Geography)
RWTH Aachen (Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry)
RWTH Aachen (IT Center)
RWTH Aachen (Institute of Neotectonics and Natural Hazards)
RWTH Aachen (AICES - Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science)
RWTH Aachen (Chair of Electromagnetic Theory)
RWTH Aachen (Department of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology)
RWTH Aachen (Energy and Mineral Resources Group, Geological Institute)
RWTH Aachen (Geotechnical Engineering)
RWTH Aachen (Institute of constructional engineering)
RWTH Aachen (Clay and Interface Mineralogy)
Saga University (Department of Electrical and Electronical Engineering)
Saint-Gobain Recherche
Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (Department of Soil, Water, Land Engineering and Management)
scilands GmbH (Gesellschaft zur Bearbeitung digitaler Landschaften)
Silsoe Solutions UK
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Institute of Sustainable Agriculture (IAS))
Specim Spectral Imaging Ltd
St Petersburg State University (Faculty of Geology )
Stanford University (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)
Sun Yat-sen University (School of Geography and Planning)
Sun Yat-Sen University (School of Atmospheric Sciences)
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
Szent István University (MTA-SZIE Plant Ecology Research Group)
Szent Istvan University (Plant Ecology Research Group of Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Szent Istvan University (Institute of Botany and Ecophysiology)
Tbilisi State University (Department of Exact and Natural Sciences)
Technical University Ilmenau (Technical Physics II/Polymer Physics)
Technische Universität Clausthal (Institut für Geophysik)
Tenri University (Faculty of Human Studies)
TERENO - Terrestrial Environmental Observatories (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
Texas A&M University (Department of Mathematics)
The Australian National University (Mathematical Sciences Institute)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Department of Geography and Resource Management)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Department of Soil and Water Sciences)
The University of Akron (Department of Civil Engineering)
The University of Reading (Department of Meteorology)
The Weizmann Institute of Sciences (Department of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research)
Thünen Institute of Agricultural Technology
TK Consult
TNO Built Environment and Geosciences
Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32 (Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn)
TU Berlin (Chair of Water Resources Management and Modeling of Hydrosystems)
TU Braunschweig (Institute for Geophysics and extraterrestrial Physics)
TU Braunschweig (Institute for Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering)
TU Clausthal (Institute of Informatics)
TU Eindhoven (Department of Applied Physics)
TU Freiberg (Interdisciplinary Environmental Research Centre )
TU Graz (Institute of Medical Engineering)
TU Munich (Grassland Science Group)
TU Munich (Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management)
TU Munich (Institute of Informatics)
TU Munich (Remote Sensing Technology)
Tulane University (Department of Anthropology)
Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH
United States Department of Agriculture (Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Lab)
United States Geological Service (USGS) (USGS National Center)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Department of Earth Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics)
Universidad de Cantabria (Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science)
Universita della Basilicata (Scuola di Ingegneria)
Universität Augsburg (Institut für Geographie)
Universität für Bodenkultur (Pflanzenbau)
Universität Wien (Computational Science Centre)
Universite catholique de Louvain (Earth and Life Institute)
Université de Neuchâtel (Computer Science Department (IIUN))
Université de Neuchâtel (Centre for Hydrogeology and Geothermics (CHYN),)
Université Montpellier 2 (Institute of Hydro Sciences)
University Halle-Wittenberg (Department of Remote Sensing and Cartography)
University Milano-Bicocca (Remote Sensing of Environmental Dynamics Laboratory)
University of Concepción (Department of physical and mathematical sciences)
University of Muenster (Institute for Geography)
University of Arizona (Department of Hydrology and Water Resources)
University of Aveiro (CESAM & Department of Environment and Planning)
University of Bayreuth (IT-Service Centre)
University of Bergen and Bjerknes (Geophysical Institute)
University of Bern (Communication and Distributed Systems (CDS))
University of Bern (Institute of Geography)
University of Bielefeld (Experimental and Systems Ecology)
University of Bonn (Meteorological Institute)
University of Bonn (Institute for Numerical Simulation)
University of Bonn (Department of Geography)
University of Bonn (Geophysics Steinmann Institute)
University of Bonn (Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES))
University of Bonn (Center for Development Research (ZEF))
University of Bonn (Institute of Crop Science and Natural Resource Protection, Faculty of Agriculture)
University of Bonn (Field Lab Campus Klein- Altendorf)
University of Bonn (Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (ZFL))
University of Bonn (Institute for Applied Mathematics)
University of Bonn (Institute of Crop Science and Natural Resource Protection)
University of Bonn (Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology)
University of Bonn (Hans-Ertel-Centre for Weather Research, Atmospheric Dynamics and Predictability Branch)
University of Bonn (Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation)
University of California (San Diego Supercomputer Center)
University of California (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
University of California Berkeley (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
University of California Riverside (Department of Environmental Sciences)
University of California Santa Barbara (Department of Land, Air and Water Resources)
University of California Santa Barbara (Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry)
University of Catania (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
University of Cincinnati (Department of Geography)
University of Cologne (Institute of Geography)
University of Cologne (Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology)
University of Cologne (Rhenish Institute for Environmental Research (RIU))
University of Cologne (Regional Computing Centre (RRZK))
University of Cologne (Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH))
University of Cologne (Data Center for the Humanities (DCH))
University of Cologne (Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology)
University of Cologne (Mathematical Institute)
University of Copenhagen (Dep. of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management)
University of Copenhagen (Centre for Ice and Climate)
University of Delaware (College of Agriculture & Natural Resources)
University of Denmark (National Space Institute)
University of Freiburg (Hydrology)
University of Goettingen (Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development)
University of Hamburg (Meteorological Institute)
University of Hamburg (Integrated Climate Data Center)
University of Hamburg (ZMAW)
University of Helsinki (Finnish Meteorological Institute)
University of Hohenheim (Communication, Information and Media Center)
University of Hohenheim (Department of Weed Sciences)
University of Hohenheim (Institut für Physik und Meteorologie)
University of Kiel (Department of Geography)
University of Lausanne (Institute of Geophysics)
University of Leeds (Faculty of Biology)
University of Leipzig (Institute of Geography)
University of Liege (Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech)
University of Lisbon (Instituto Dom Luiz)
University of Mannheim (School of Business Informatics and Mathematics)
University of Maryland (Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET))
University of Melbourne (Department of Infrastructure Engineering)
University of Michigan (International Institute)
University of Milan-Bicocca (Department of Geological Sciences and Geotechnologies)
University of Milan-Bicocca (Remote Sensing of Environmental Dynamics Laboratory)
University of Mississippi (Department of Sociology and Anthropology)
University of Missouri (College of Agriculture , Food & Natural Resources)
University of Muenster (Institute for Geoinformatics)
University of Muenster (Institute of Geophysics)
University of Oklahoma (Atmospheric Radar Research Center)
University of Oklahoma (Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies)
University of Paderborn (Department of Mathematics)
University of Paderborn (Institute of Electrical Engineering)
University of Padova (Department of Geosciences)
University of Paris Diderot (Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systemes Atmospheriques)
University of Paris Diderot (Laboratory of Atmospheric Systems)
University of Potsdam (Institute of Geoecology)
University of Reading (Department of Meteorology)
University of Reading (National Centre for Earth Observation)
University of Rome (Artificial Intelligence Research Group)
University of Rostock (Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences)
University of Saskatchewan (Global Institute for Water Security)
University of South Carolina (Department of Geography)
University of Stirling (School of Natural Sciences)
University of Stuttgart (Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems)
University of Szeged (Department of Ecology)
University of Tasmania (Geography and Environmental Studies)
University of Texas at Austin (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
University of Texas at Austin ( The Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES))
University of Toulouse (Laboratory of Aerology)
University of Trier (Department of Environmental Meteorology)
University of Trier (Remote Sensing Department)
University of Twente (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC),)
University of Valencia (Department of Earth Physics and Thermodynamics)
University of Valencia (Imaging Processing Laboratory)
University of Waterloo (Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences)
University of York (Archaeology Data Service)
University of Zurich (Department of Geography )
Wageningen University (Meteorology and Air Quality Group)
Wageningen University (Department Biophysics)
Wageningen University (Plant Production Systems, Plant Sciences)
Wageningen University (Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing)
Water Division, BRGM
Water Supply of Zurich
Wintershall Holding GmbH (Central Laboratory)
Wuhan University (State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing)