Spectral comparison of low-weight and UAV-based hyperspectral frame cameras with portable spectroradiometer measurements

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Title:Main Title: Spectral comparison of low-weight and UAV-based hyperspectral frame cameras with portable spectroradiometer measurements
Description:Abstract: The non-destructive monitoring of crop growth status with field-based or tractor-based multi- or hyperspectral sensors is a common practice in precision agriculture. The demand for flexible, easy to use, and field scale systems in super-high resolution (<20 cm) or on single plant scale is given to provide in-field variability of crop growth status for management purposes. Satellite and airborne systems are usually not able to provide the spatial and temporal resolution for such purposes within a low-cost approach. The developments in the area of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) seem to fill exactly that niche. In this contribution, we introduce two hyperspectral frame cameras weighing less than 1 kg which can be mounted to low-weight UAVs (<3 kg). The first results of a campaign in June 2013 are presented and the derived spectra from the hyperspectral images are compared to related spectra collected with a portable spectroradiometer. The results are promising.
Identifier:10.5880/TR32DB.KGA94.2 (DOI)
Citation Advice:Bareth, G., Aasen, H., Gnyp, M., Bolten, A., Jung, A., Michels, R., Soukkamäki, J., 2014. Spectral comparison of low-weight and UAV-based hyperspectral frame cameras with portable spectroradiometer measurements. In: Bendig, J., Bareth, G. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on UAV-based Remote Sensing Methods for Monitoring Vegetation. Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln - Kölner Geographische Arbeiten, Cologne, Germany, 1 - 6.
Responsible Party
Creators:Georg Bareth (Author), Helge Aasen (Author), Juliane Bendig (Author), Martin Leon Gnyp (Author), Andreas Bolten (Author), Andras Jung (Author), Rene Michels (Author), Jussi Soukkamäki (Author)
Contributors:Juliane Bendig (Editor), Georg Bareth (Editor), Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32 (Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn) (Data Manager), University of Cologne (Regional Computing Centre (RRZK)) (Hosting Institution)
Publisher:Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln - Kölner Geographische Arbeiten
Publication Year:2014
TR32 Topic:Remote Sensing
Related Subproject:Z1
Subjects:Keywords: UAV, Agriculture, Crop/s, Hyperspectral, Imaging, Vegetation Index
DDC: 550 Earth sciences
File Details
Data Type:Text - Book Section
Sizes:6 Pages
1843 Kilobytes
File Size:1.8 MB
Date:Issued: 14.04.2014
Mime Type:application/pdf
Data Format:PDF
Download Permission:Free
General Access and Use Conditions:According to the TR32DB data policy agreement.
Access Limitations:According to the TR32DB data policy agreement.
Licence:[Creative Commons] Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Specific Information - Publication
Publication Status:Published
Review Status:Not peer reviewed
Publication Type:Book Section
Book Title:Proceedings of the Workshop on UAV-based Remote Sensing Methods for Monitoring Vegetation
Editors:Juliane Bendig, Georg Bareth
Series Title:Kölner Geographische Arbeiten
Series Editor(s):G. Bareth, B. Braun, H. Brückner, E. Brunotte, O. Bubenzer, F. Kraas, T. Mansfeldt, J. Nipper, U. Radtke, K. Schneider, G. Schweizer, D. Soyez, D.J. Werner
City:Cologne, Germany
Number of Pages:6 (1 - 6)
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Constanze Curdt
Metadata Created:17.04.2014
Metadata Last Updated:17.04.2014
Funding Phase:2
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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