TR32DB Statistics
This page provides some statistics on the TR32DB data. The following listings and charts are presented below:
- Top 10 Dataset Downloads
- Datasets by Subproject and Data Type
- Datasets by Data Type and Year of Upload
- Datasets by Cluster and Year of Upload
- Publications by Subproject and Publication Type
- Publications by Publication Type and Year of Publication
- Publication Articles by Cluster and Year of Publication
- Datasets by Topic
- Datasets by Data Type
- Datasets by Funding Phase
- Datasets by Cluster and Subproject
- Datasets by Measurement Location
Top 10 Dataset Downloads
For the purposes of these statistics, we do not count multiple downloads from the same user on any given day, and we do not count downloads by the person responsible for the dataset. This is done to improve the reliability of these statistics.
Select whether to display dataset downloads or downloads of additional description files:
- Spectral comparison of low-weight and UAV-based hyperspectral frame cameras with portable spectroradiometer measurementsDownloads: 275 - Subproject: Z1 - Data Type: Publication
- Surface runoff from arable land - a homogenized data base of 726 rainfall simulation experimentsDownloads: 138 - Subproject: C3 - Data Type: Data
- A precise direct georeferencing system for UAVsDownloads: 89 - Subproject: Z1 - Data Type: Publication
- Towards UAV-based Forest MonitoringDownloads: 85 - Subproject: Z1 - Data Type: Publication
- Crop monitoring using a light-weight hyperspectral mapping system for unmanned aerial vehicles: firs results for the 2013 seasonDownloads: 81 - Subproject: Z1 - Data Type: Publication
- Using area-based spectral indices to estimate aerial N uptake of maizeDownloads: 76 - Subproject: Z1 - Data Type: Publication
- UAV-based Imaging for Multi-Temporal, very high Resolution Crop Surface Models to monitor Crop Growth VariabilityDownloads: 72 - Subproject: Z1 - Data Type: Publication
- PrefaceDownloads: 71 - Subproject: Z1 - Data Type: Publication
- High-resolution hyperspectral and thermal imagery acquired from UAV platforms for early detection of Verticillium wilt using fluorescence, temperature and narrow-band indicesDownloads: 70 - Subproject: Z1 - Data Type: Publication
- Automatic Co-registration of Frame Hyperspectral Data from UAVsDownloads: 68 - Subproject: Z1 - Data Type: Publication
Datasets by Subproject and Data Type
This bar chart displays how many datasets of each type were uploaded for each subproject. You can filter which data type to display by clicking on the types in the chart legend.
Display datasets from specific phases only:
Datasets by Data Type and Year of Upload
This chart displays the datasets assigned to the data types and the year of upload. You can select which series to display by clicking the items in the legend. Note that the cumulative count does not change depending on your data type selection and always accumulates the total number of datasets.
Datasets by Cluster and Year of Upload
This chart displays the datasets assigned to the each cluster and the year of upload. The cumulative count changes depending on selected data type, but always includes all clusters. Each dataset is only counted for its main subproject. This is done to avoid datasets being counted multiple times for each associated project.
Only display datasets with a specific type:
Publications by Subproject and Publication Type
This chart displays the publications assigned to the subprojects and publication types. Click on the items in the legend to limit the view to certain types of publication.
Display datasets from specific phases only:
Publications by Publication Type And Year of Publication
This chart displays the publications in each year with their publication type. While you can select which series to display by clicking on them in the legend, the cumulative count only applies to the total number of publication, regardless of filter selection.
Articles by Cluster And Year of Publication
This chart displays the publication articles assigned to the each cluster and the year of publication. You can select which clusters to display by clicking them in the legend. Note that the cumulative count only considers the total number of datasets regardless, and that each datasets is only counted for its main subproject to avoid counting them multiple times.
Datasets by Topic
This pie chart displays how many datasets were uploaded for each TR32DB Topic.
Datasets by Data Type
This pie chart displays how many datasets were uploaded for each TR32DB Data Type.
Datasets by Funding Phase
This pie chart displays how many datasets were uploaded in each TR32DB Funding Phase.
Datasets by Cluster and Subproject
This pie chart displays how many datasets were uploaded in each TR32DB cluster and subproject.
Datasets by Measurement Location
This drilldown pie chart displays the measuring location information provided for the TR32DB datasets. Where this information is available, you can click a section to look at more detailed information for that country or region specifically. Because not all datasets have information on the most precise level, the number of datasets does not always sum to the number in the higher hierarchy level. This is normal.