10:30 | Registration | |
11:00 | Coffee & Sandwiches | |
11:50 | Welcome Address Karl Schneider, University of Cologne, Germany | |
12:00 | Introduction Georg Bareth, University of Cologne, Institute of Geography, Germany | |
12:05 | The CROP.SENSe.net Project Heiner Goldbach, Bonn University, Germany | |
12:15 | Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation Prasad S. Thenkabail, USGS, USA | |
13:00 | UAV - based Hyperstectral prospects and limitations Pablo J. Zarco - Tejada, IES Mars-GeoCAP, European Commission | |
13:45 | POSTERS & Coffee | |
14:45 | Remote Sensing of Forests Barbara Koch, University of Freiburg, Germany |  |
15:30 | Vegetation Indices, Tower Fluxes, and Ecosystem Processes Alfredo Huete, University of Technology Sydney, Australia |  |
16:15 | POSTERS & Coffee | |
17:00 | Multispectral Laserscanning Systems for Forestry and Agriculture Juha Hyyppä, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Finland | |
17:45 | A Precise Direct Georeferencing System for UAVs Christian Eling, Bonn University, Germany | |
18:30 | POSTERS, Icebreaker & Buffet | |
08:30 | Coffee | |
09:00 | Multi-sensor Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for environmental remote sensing Arko Lucieer, University of Tasmania, Australia | |
09:45 | Crop Sensing for Precision Farming Yuxin Miao, China Agricultural University, China | |
10:30 | POSTERS & Coffee | |
11:00 | Remote Sensing of Plant Pigments in Coastal Aquatic Systems Natascha Oppelt, University Kiel, Germany |  |
11:45 | Fluoresence Imaging for Crop Sensing Uwe Rascher, Research Center Jülich, Germany | |
12:30 | POSTERS & Coffee | |
13:30 | Land Surface Phenology Metrics Extraction and Accuracy Assessment Fei Yuan, Minnesota State University, USA | |
14:15 | Millimeter Wave SAR for UAV - based Remote Sensing Michael Caris, Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques, Germany | |
15:00 | POSTERS & Coffee | |
15:30 | Introducing and Evaluating a Full Frame Imaging Spectrometer for Low - weight UAVs Georg Bareth, University of Cologne, Institute of Geography | |
16:15 | High Throughput Phenotyping in Field: A Comparison Between UAV and Ground Based Remote Sensing Approaches Frederic Baret, INRA, France |  |
17:00 | Closing, POSTERS & Sandwiches | |